Hello 2025
Welcome to 2025! I can’t believe it’s been four weeks since my surgery. Thankfully, i made it through the worst part and am here one-handed typing. I started physical therapy this week and am already making progress!
There’s still a ways to go though, and I am trying to be patient.I miss playing and performing, and I especially miss seeing all of you. I have shows booked in April that I really hope I’ll be ready for: Cafe Atlantique on April 5, and Klekolo World Coffee on April 22. I guess time will tell. I will keep you posted.
Thank you so much for being here with me. I appreciate you all so very much. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. In the meantime, you can find me on the streaming platforms and social media. Come say hi.
Post-op and ready to go home.
Two-weeks of this cast.
No more cast! Stitches are out. The work begins.